Minggu, 09 Maret 2014

English task of psychology.

Introduce MySelf


Assalamualaikum wr.wb.
Hi! I am Anisa Triananda. I usually called ica. I was born in Garut. This year I was 19 years old. I am an graduate now. Now i am studying at Gunadarma university. Major psychology. Why I chose psychology?, because i want find an experience and i want to be a good psycholog. I have a one sister, one brother, and one little sister. I am the third from four.  I am from Garut. And  now I live with my uncle and aunt in jakarta.
I love singing,  like my idol raisa. I also love shopping. And all categories of films like horror, romance, action, comedy, musical. Etc. Then i also have some books like novels and comics. Sushi is my favorite food. I also love korean.

Thank you.  

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